
Astral chain heavy traffic 3
Astral chain heavy traffic 3

adj heavy marked by great psychological weight weighted down especially with sadness or troubles or weariness "a heavy heart","a heavy schedule","heavy news","a heavy silence","heavy eyelids".adj heavy large and powerful especially designed for heavy loads or rough work "a heavy truck","heavy machinery".adj heavy of comparatively great physical weight or density "a heavy load","lead is a heavy metal","heavy mahogany furniture".adj heavy dense or inadequately leavened and hence likely to cause distress in the alimentary canal "a heavy pudding".adj heavy sharply inclined "a heavy grade".

#Astral chain heavy traffic 3 full

adj heavy full of bearing great weight "trees heavy with fruit","vines weighed down with grapes".adj heavy usually describes a large person who is fat but has a large frame to carry it.adj heavy requiring or showing effort "heavy breathing","the subject made for labored reading".adj heavy characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion especially physical effort "worked their arduous way up the mining valley","a grueling campaign","hard labor","heavy work","heavy going","spent many laborious hours on the project","set a punishing pace".adj heavy lacking lightness or liveliness "heavy humor","a leaden conversation".adj heavy (of sleep) deep and complete "a heavy sleep","fell into a profound sleep","a sound sleeper","deep wakeless sleep".adj heavy (used of soil) compact and fine-grained "the clayey soil was heavy and easily saturated".adj heavy darkened by clouds "a heavy sky".adj heavy in an advanced stage of pregnancy "was big with child","was great with child".

Astral chain heavy traffic 3